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September 2017

Blast the Fat: TruSculpt 3D
For many people and even those who diet and who are in good shape, there can be problem areas on the body that are stubborn to toning and refining with methods such as exercise, yoga or pilates. Now there is a simple modality available at One Health Medical & Surgical Center that does not require surgery that can give you the body refinement that you want. This new technology is called TruSculpt 3D. TruSculpt 3D is a non-invasive treatment that gives you circumferential reduction and non-surgical body sculpting with both permanent fat reduction, and tightening all in one single session. The radio-frequency energy used in TruSculpt 3D delivers deep heating to the layers of fat underneath the skin, destroying those fat cells forever. Our body eventually eliminates those fat cells naturally while at the same time the deep heating stimulates the production of collagen in our skin. The result you see is fat reduction, skin tightening, and the diminished appearance of cellulite.
The key benefits of TruSculpt 3D are:
  • Little to no downtime. Patients can return to normal activity after the treatment.
  • Treats large areas including abs, flanks, back, entire thighs as well as small, hard to reach areas such as bra line, under the chin, arms, calves, knees, and even lower face.
  • Shorter treatment times, only 15 minutes per area
  • Results can be seen after one session with 25-35% reduction that is the highest on the current market
  • Comfortable and tolerable patient experience.
Every person’s body is different. On the average people will see results in 8-12 weeks which is our body’s natural time it takes to eliminate fat cells. However some people have reported seeing fat reduction as early as two weeks of treatment. To find out if you are a candidate for TruSculpt 3D, schedule a free consultation in our office today.
Precision and Results: VASER Liposuction
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that suctions fat from specific areas of the body that are not responding to diet or exercise. While liposuction is not intended to be a weight-loss method, it is a versatile elective procedure that allows our surgeon to help reshape your body. At One Health Medical & Surgical Center, Dr. Dinh uses an ultrasound-based technology called VASER as an added step to the traditional liposuction. VASER liposuction uses ultrasound technology that specifically targets fat cells and helps to separate them into smaller fat molecules. This helps the removal of fat from the target area while not damaging surrounding tissues, such as nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. VASER Liposuction allows you to expect maximum results from Dr. Dinh versus other types of liposuction. Other types of liposuction are not as effective or they use high heat energy such as laser liposuction that puts the blood vessels, skin and surround structures at higher risk for damage and burns, when compared to the use of ultrasound.
There are some limitations to liposuction such as if a significant amount of fat is removed it may result in excess hanging skin. In this case a combination procedure to remove any excess skin can sometimes be performed at the same time or at a later date, such as a tummy tuck. The only way to tell if liposuction is a realistic option for you is to consult with Dr. Dinh, our cosmetic surgeon. Our consultations are free! Dr. Dinh is a true artist when it comes to cosmetic surgery with years of expertise and training and will evaluate you on a case-by-case basis to formulate a personal plan for you.
Don’t Forget!
There is still time to use your 15% promotion on all our services and products when you book your free consultation before September 18, 2017. For more information please call us at the office at (949) 438-2476, or e-mail Visit our website at and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We hope to see you soon!